About Us

What are Meaningful Travels?
A meaningful travel is a trip with essence. We don’t want to show you the North in one day. We want you to feel that this place is part of you. We want you to feel that you are part of History.

How do you develop your itineraries?
We optimize your time here considering the season. We make a connection between the places and activities that you experience during the day.
We like to include places that are not part of the usual highlights to better represent what the country is, not only in a touristic way.

What is the role of our guides?
We believe in the dialogue with our clients, get involved with what they think and feel and provoke affective and associative memories.
The role of our guides is to transmit the essence of this place to our clients – of different ages. Expose people to interesting and educational experiences.

What about your alternative lodging options?
Lodging can be a different experience. Country lodging gives you a taste of what a kibutz/moshav life is like.

And what is your story?
I usually joke that I have been here since Herod. My great grandfather was a tour guide. My family is part of a story. Our roots are here. We are part of everything that this country has gone through.

Why hire us?